To answer the basic questions, we're all currently healthy, happy, and in a period of adjustment (which takes different forms for each of us).
Eric went back to work yesterday after his two week (paid... thank you corporate America!) paternity leave, and the girls and I had a peaceful day at home catching up on laundry and making sure everybody got naps. Today was busier- Eva had preschool and Hope and I took Esther to her weight check at the Dr.'s office. We also fit in a trip to the grocery store (first time with all three!), and of course took naps.
The Dr.'s appointment was awesome for two reasons. 1) Esther is doing well and, despite her lazy eating habits, has gained over a pound in less than two weeks. 2) I remembered all of my insignificant little questions, the Dr. was on time and EFFICIENT, and we didn't have to defend why we don't vaccinate our babies. Good day.
I have had a less-than-stellar recovery the last two weeks. I've alternated between feeling totally great and becoming a complete train wreck. I think I overdo it when I feel good, which has resulted in a case of mastitis, a trip to the ER for severe abdominal pain (I honestly expected them to do a hysterectomy on the spot, I was in so much pain!), and some "elimination issues." So, naps are in order for Mom for the next few weeks for sure. Thankfully, during Eric's paternity leave he was a champion servant! At every breakdown moment, he took over all of my responsibilities and more. There were many days when I did absolutely nothing besides rest and nurse Esther. A servant-hearted husband is a total blessing!
I am completely in love with little Esther. I've been told that each child grows up faster than the one before, and that you enjoy each one more and more. I think that must be true, as I can hardly believe she is already almost 3 weeks old. And I am definitely savoring these cuddly days with a sweet, sweet baby. I am a blessed mama, indeed.
The other girls have been adjusting quite well also. Eva is almost as in love with Esther as I am, giving her innumerable kisses and cuddles each day. She happily holds her and "shooshes" her when she fusses. She says over and over, "I love, love, LOVE her, mommy! She is sooooo sweet." Hope, on the other hand, spends very little time focused on Esther. She likes her and is kind and gentle, but doesn't seem to have the same infatuation that Eva posseses. Generally, Hope seems to be missing a few snuggles with mom, needing tons of sleep, and constantly asking to read books together. Thankfully, the potty training appears to be holding! All in all, the girls are good.
So, here are the pics:
I'm guessing Esther was about 4 days old in this picture... just chillin' with mom in bed.
I know I sound like a broken record, but doesn't Eva look older in this shot... and when did she learn that rock star-ish pose?!?
love it!!!!
Great to hear the updates! Esther is beautiful. It is crazy how quickly kids grow up. I would agree, Eva is sportin quite the rock star pose.
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