Friday, October 30, 2009

4 Weeks

Baby Esther is four weeks old today. We have been having so much fun snuggling, nursing, cuddling, changing diapers, and assisting gassy baby that I practically forgot about blogging. Just kidding... but add all the above to running to preschool, entertaining flocks of visitors, folding laundry, celebrating our Halloween costumes, attempting to get into profitable family routines, and more I just haven't had time for blogging! This post will be mostly pictures of Esther, but the other girls have had some memorable moments lately too, so hopefully it won't be too long before I blog again.

"Baby E" is generally very content and relaxed, no problems with car rides for this one... But after all, she is a baby and occasionally seizes the opportunity to behave as such!
As I mentioned, we've had a constant flow of visitors, some of whom I've already documented. It was a special treat, though, for my grandparents from Colorado to fly in this week. I guess they couldn't stay away after the baby boom in our family this fall! Here is Esther with her Great-Grandma Knudtsen.
And her Great-Grandpa Knudtsen. I'm pretty sure he was happy to give her right back this time!
Now this is more typical... just chillin' out on the couch and dozing off just about anywhere you put her down. We're not sure about her eye color yet. They're black-ish right now, but every once in awhile they hint at blue. That would be fun!
Starting to get tired (again). Some fun facts about Esther at 4 weeks old:

Weighed 10 pounds, 3 ounces a few days ago - Wearing size 1-2 diapers and 0-3 month clothes - We've gotten a handful of real smiles in the past few days. Yay! I've been waiting for this all month! - Nurses approximately every 2.5-3 hours during the day, and no longer has to be woken up for every feeding - Takes about 6 naps a day lasting about an hour - Loves to be held and stare at faces - Has a gassy gut EVERY night between 9 pm and midnight. Fortunately I'm learning that if I drink a cup of chamomile tea before nursing her at night, the problem is avoided! - Sleeps on her back - Typically sleeps about 6-7 hours at night before waking to eat -Prefers to be held facing out or in the "cradle" hold - Has a few hints of baby acne, and has been bathed a scant three times in her life - Enjoys riding in the Baby Bjorn - Still has LOTS of dark shiny hair with a hint of red in it - Is very patient and relaxed with her sisters who love to hold, cuddle, kiss, and hug her all day long.

Now, an interview with her oldest sister:

Mom: Tell me about Esther.

Eva: I love her (big, happy sigh). And I think that she's nice, too. And I love her this much (holding her arms waaayyy out).

Mom: What did you tell me about how she smells?

Eva: Her head smells like breast milk and her hands smell like cheese.

Mom: Huh.

Eva: And I love her very much!

This is the end of my story, so that's all about Esther at four weeks old. We're off to ready ourselves for a Harvest party tonight. Stay tuned for pics of this dressed up family soon! Any guesses at our costumes???


AKat said...

Esther is a BEAUTIFUL baby!!! And those pictures of your grandparents melted my heart. Please hug them for me! And that tiny Esther, too.

Ehlan said...

Sweet baby!

And I LOVE that her hands smell like cheese :)

Anonymous said...

What a little doll!

Kris said...

SO, what were you all for your Harvest party?! I'm dying to see the pics! =)